Dr Jin S Han, DDS - To treat migranes...

NTI-tss Plus™

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The NTI-tss Plus™ protects teeth, muscles and joints by suppressing parafunctional muscle contraction by almost 70%.  Originally developed to prevent migraine pain, the NTI-tss Plus™ is proven to be a superior alternative to full coverage bite guards.
The NTI-tss Plus™ effectively treat patients suffering from tension and migraine headaches due to clenching and or bruxing during sleep.

FDA Approved

The NTI-tss Plus™ protocol is approved for the Prevention of Medically Diagnosed Migraine Pain and Jaw Disorders through the reduction of trigeminally innervated muscular activity.

Durable, precise fit

NTI-tss Plus™ is made from Keller's Clear 450® thermoplastic material. Our high heat, high pressure injection process guarantees a perfect fit with proven durability. Clear 450 provides a perfect fit with no shrinkage and won't absorb stains or odors. Clear 450 is proven to last three times longer than conventional acrylic guards.

Call or Click for your NTI-tss Plus™  (909) 945-2002


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